#20473 Starting Bid: $55.00
Lot Assorted Dolls & Plush Animals Folk Art Moose Curious George etc
#20553 Starting Bid: $40.00
Vintage Bisque Doll in Brown Dress Marked 154
#20554 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique German Bisque Doll w/ Composition Doll E 168.9
#20555 Starting Bid: $30.00
Vintage Effanbee Patsy-Ann Composition Doll
#20556 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique Bisque German Head composition Body Doll 21
#20557 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique Unmarked Composition Open Mouth Doll
#20558 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique Composition Ideal Shirley Temple Doll
#20559 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique Bisque Head Composition Body German Doll 1912-4
#20560 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique Effanbee Composition Mary Ann Head & Patsy Ann Body Doll
#20561 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique Small Bisque Head Cloth body Unmarked Doll
#20562 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique Composition Unmarked Open Mouth Doll
#20563 Starting Bid: $50.00
Antique Bisque Head & Body Germany 370 Doll
#20564 Starting Bid: $45.00
Antique Composition Effanbee Patsy Joan Doll
#20565 Starting Bid: $50.00
Antique K&K Bisque Head Cloth Body 45 Thuringia Doll
#20566 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique Composition Petite 24" Doll
#20567 Starting Bid: $50.00
Antique Bisque Head Soft Body 11 Dep 154 Doll
#20568 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique Composition Shirley Temple Unmarked Doll
#20569 Starting Bid: $30.00
Pair New in Box Vintage Effanbee Patsy 86 & 1526 Bride Blonde Dolls
#20570 Starting Bid: $30.00
Ideal Dick Tracy Bonny Braids Rubber Plastic Doll in Box
#20571 Starting Bid: $25.00
Pair Madame Alexander Character Dolls New in Boxes
#20572 Starting Bid: $40.00
4 Lots Miniature Doll Tea Sets Made in Japan Pottery Blue Willow & Tin Litho
#20573 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot 11 Assorted Vintage Porcelain Pottery & Bisque Doll Heads
#20574 Starting Bid: $45.00
Lot 7 Antique Bisque Pin Cushion Half Dolls
#20575 Starting Bid: $50.00
Lot 20 Vintage Plastic Character Dolls Madame Alexander etc
#20576 Starting Bid: $50.00
Large Lot 34 Assorted Vintage Dolls action Figures Folk Art etc
#20577 Starting Bid: $50.00
HUGE Lot Vintage Miniature Doll House Assorted Furniture & Smalls
#20578 Starting Bid: $25.00
Lot 15 Vintage Assorted Soft Plush Dolls
#20579 Starting Bid: $49.00
1950's Betsy McCall vinyl & Plastic Doll
#20580 Starting Bid: $40.00
1960's Plastic Wedding Bride Unmarked Doll
#20581 Starting Bid: $50.00
Lot 6 Vintage Doll Child's Sewing Machines Gateway Russian Kay-ee Sew-O-matic
#20582 Starting Bid: $30.00
c1950's Concord Toys Stitchcraft Sewing Set In Box w/ Bisque Dols & Clothes
#20583 Starting Bid: $30.00
Lot 6 Vintage New In Box Assorted Dolls Ginny Precious Moments Gone with The Wind
#20584 Starting Bid: $30.00
Lot 6 Vintage New In Box Assorted Dolls Baby Smurf Gerber Baby Best Friends Ann Estelle
#20585 Starting Bid: $30.00
Lot 10 Vintage New In Box Assorted Dolls Snow White Campbell Kid Annie & Little Debbie
#20586 Starting Bid: $30.00
1985 1985 Lot 3 Cabbage Patch Dolls in Boxes
#20587 Starting Bid: $50.00
Lot 19 Antique Assorted Framed Fabric Paper Dolls
#20588 Starting Bid: $25.00
Vintage Raggedy Ann & Andy Shadow Box Double Sided Diorama
#20589 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot 4 Antique Child's Dolls Metal Play Stoves Ovens
#20590 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot Assorted Vintage Dolls Hard Plastic Rubber etc
#20591 Starting Bid: $59.00
Lot 3 Vinyl Dolls 2 Ideal & American Character
#20592 Starting Bid: $40.00
Pair Celluloid & Tin Litho Wind Up Merry-Go-Rounds
#20593 Starting Bid: $25.00
Lot 5 Antique Bisque & Porcelain Doll Heads Armand Marseille etc
#20594 Starting Bid: $25.00
Lot 5 Vintage Made in Japan Bisque & Celluloid Dolls
#20595 Starting Bid: $50.00
Antique Fulper Bisque Head Composition Body Doll
#20596 Starting Bid: $50.00
Antique German Bisque Head & Soft Body Doll
#20597 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique DRG Germany 390 Bisque Head Composition Body Doll
#20598 Starting Bid: $50.00
Antique Heubach Koppelsdorl 300-4 Bisque Head Composition Body Doll
#20599 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique Horseman USA All Composition Doll
#20600 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique Early Bonnet Head Bisque Blond Doll
#20601 Starting Bid: $75.00
Antique SFBJ France Composition Doll w/ Original Clothes
#20602 Starting Bid: $40.00
c1920 Made in Germany 8 Bisque Head & Composition Body Doll
#20603 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique Unmarked German All Composition Doll
#20604 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique German Porcelain China Doll Head Doll
#20605 Starting Bid: $25.00
Antique Simon & Halberg German Bisque Head & Soft Body Doll
#20606 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique German Porcelain China Doll Head Doll
#20607 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique German Porcelain China Doll Head Doll
#20608 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique German Porcelain China Doll Head Doll
#20609 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique German Unmarked Bisque Head Soft Body Doll
#20610 Starting Bid: $60.00
Antique Jutta Simon Halib Bisque Head Composition Body Doll
#20611 Starting Bid: $25.00
Antique Toodles All Composition Baby Doll
#20612 Starting Bid: $25.00
Antique German 300 A-210 X-M Bisque Head Composition Body Doll
#20613 Starting Bid: $25.00
Antique German Koppelsdorf Thuringia 250 Bisque Head Composition Body Doll
#20614 Starting Bid: $25.00
Antique Unmarked Baby Boy All Composition Doll
#20615 Starting Bid: $50.00
Antique Paris France 3 Bisque Head Composition Doll
#20616 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique MY Bisque Head Composition Body Baby Doll
#20617 Starting Bid: $25.00
Lot 3 Vintage Bisque Head Dolls of Girls
#20618 Starting Bid: $25.00
Antique Composition Boudoir Girl Doll
#20619 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique Armand Marseille Germany 390 A8M Bisque Head Composition Body Doll
#20620 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique German AM&DEP 1894 Bisque Head Composition Body Doll
#20621 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique German H 72 152 Bisque Head Composition Body Doll
#20622 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique Heubach Koppelsdorl 250 Bisque Head Composition Body Doll
#20623 Starting Bid: $65.00
Pair Twin Vintage American Character Hard Plastic Head Rubber Body Dolls
#20624 Starting Bid: $25.00
Pair c1980's Shirley Temple Bisque Head Dolls Danbury Mint
#20625 Starting Bid: $40.00
Vintage Nippon Japan 70018 Bisque Baby Doll
#20626 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique Armand Marseille Germany 390 Bisque Head Composition Body Doll
#20627 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique Armand Marseille Germany 985 Bisque Head Composition Body Doll
#20628 Starting Bid: $25.00
Antique Armand Marseille Germany A 7/0 M Bisque Head Soft Body Doll
#20629 Starting Bid: $25.00
Lot 4 Dolls Chatty Cathy Effanbee Lil Innocents Baby Dolls
#20630 Starting Bid: $40.00
Ashton Drake Mel Odom Gene 16" Doll Special Edition USO Open Box 76061
#20631 Starting Bid: $50.00
Lot 13 Assorted Vintage Plush Raggedy Ann & Andy Dolls
#20632 Starting Bid: $25.00
Vintage Vogue Doll Ginny in Case w/ Clothes & Accessories
#20633 Starting Bid: $25.00
Large Lot Vintage Doll Clothes
#20634 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot 8 Child's Doll Miniature Wooden Rocking Bed Crib
#20635 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot 8 Child's Doll Miniature Wooden Chairs & Rocking Chairs
#20636 Starting Bid: $25.00
Lot 3 Vintage Painted Wood Rocking Horses
#20637 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot 5 Vintage Child's Doll Painted Wooden Dressers & Butcher Block
#20638 Starting Bid: $25.00
Lot 4 Vintage Child's Doll Painted Wooden Chair Highchair Rocker
#20639 Starting Bid: $50.00
Large Lot Wooden & Plastic Miniature Doll Dollhouse Furniture
#20640 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique Genuine Real Fur Giraffe Figurine Toy
#20641 Starting Bid: $40.00
8 Piece Vintage Set Painted Wooden Dols Dollhouse Miniature Furniture
#20642 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot 13 Antique Child's Doll Tin Cast Rion Stives & Cookware
#20643 Starting Bid: $30.00
Lot 9 Vintage Assorted Dolls Bisque etc in Boxes
#20644 Starting Bid: $25.00
1966 UFDC Chicago Convention Porcelain Doll in Display Box
#20645 Starting Bid: $30.00
Lot 26 Vintage Japan Small Bisque Assorted Dolls
#20646 Starting Bid: $50.00
Lot 13 Vintage Plush Soft Body Raggedy Ann & Andy
#20647 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot 22 Vintage Plush Soft Body Dolls Famous People etc
#20648 Starting Bid: $50.00
Lot 15 Vintage Assorted Teddy Bears Millie Krueger Knickerbocker Zolo Ideal etc
#20649 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot 12 Vintage Soft Body Plush Raggedy Ann & Andy Dolls
#20650 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot 18 Vintage Plush Stuffed Animals Teddy Bears Dogs Elephant Cats etc
#20651 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot 15 Vintage Soft Body Plush Raggedy Ann & Andy Dolls & Bowl
#20652 Starting Bid: $125.00
Pair Vintage Bisque Porcelain German Man & Woman Figurines
#20653 Starting Bid: $150.00
Pair Vintage Bisque Porcelain German Man & Woman Figurines w/ R Mark
#20654 Starting Bid: $35.00
Pair Vintage Bisque Porcelain German Man & Woman Figurines
#20655 Starting Bid: $35.00
Pair Vintage Bisque Porcelain German Man & Woman Figurines with Children
#20656 Starting Bid: $150.00
Pair Vintage Bisque Porcelain German Boy & Girl Figurines with Dog
#20657 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique German Bisque Porcelain Figurine Statue of Boy w/ Puppies
#20658 Starting Bid: $40.00
Antique German Bisque Porcelain Figurine Statue of Boy Dancing
#20659 Starting Bid: $65.00
Pair Antique German Bisque Boy & Girl w/ Chickens Statue Figures
#20660 Starting Bid: $50.00
Lot 20 Vintage Books on Dolls Collecting Clothes Companies etc
#20661 Starting Bid: $50.00
Lot 20 Vintage Books on Dolls Collecting Clothes Companies etc
#20662 Starting Bid: $50.00
Lot 22 Vintage Books on Dolls Collecting Clothes Companies etc
#20663 Starting Bid: $50.00
Lot 22 Vintage Books on Dolls Collecting Clothes Companies etc
#20664 Starting Bid: $50.00
Large Lot 1960-80's UFDC Doll Club Albums Doll Collector Annuals & 1940's Chatter
#20665 Starting Bid: $30.00
1950's Child's Wooden Step Stool Wash Hands and Face Carousel
#20666 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot 4 Vintage Painted Wood & Mahogany Child Chairs for Dolls
#20667 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique Oak Wood Child's Crib Doll Bed
#20668 Starting Bid: $50.00
Lot 3 Antique Wicker & Wood Child's Rocking Chairs for Dolls
#20669 Starting Bid: $25.00
Antique White & Blue Wicker Childs Dolls Bed
#20670 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique Wicker Baby Carriage for Dolls
#20671 Starting Bid: $30.00
Antique c1900 White Wire Child's Carriage for Dolls
#20673 Starting Bid: $40.00
Lot c1950's Assorted Tin Litho Child's Items Store Tea Set Globes Sprinkling Can etc
#20681 Starting Bid: $35.00
Lot 3 Vintage Foldable Wicker & Metal Doll Child Carriages
#20822 Starting Bid: $129.00
c1910 Campbell Soup Kid Composition Doll with Soft Body